If You Can Read This, Thank a Teacher: Teacher Appreciation Week

By: Lisanne L. Mikula, Esquire [email protected]   Educators make invaluable contributions to their students and their communities.  Instructing students in reading, writing, arithmetic, and thousands of subject matters is, of itself, laudable.  Teachers, however, provide so much more. Teachers promote curiosity in students, which fosters creative and flexible thinking, contributing to our nation’s proud history […]

Practical Tips to Prepare You for Your First Meeting with an Attorney

By: Lisanne L. Mikula, Esquire “To me, a lawyer is basically the person that knows the rules of the country. We’re all throwing the dice, playing the game, moving our pieces around the board, but if there is a problem the lawyer is the only person who has read the inside of the top of […]

Workplace Gossip – It’s Time to Shut Down that Rumor Mill!

By: Lisanne L. Mikula, Esquire “My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people’s.” Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan Last year, a poll conducted by National Public Radio and Ipsos asked workers to rate potentially objectionable behaviors on a scale ranging from “always inappropriate” to “always appropriate.” Spreading rumors about colleagues’ sex lives surpassed […]

Fair or Foul: Unusual Wage Structure Causes Workers to Yell “Foul Ball”!

By: Lisanne L. Mikula Even in the middle of winter, baseball is never far from my mind. The post-holiday season marks the final weeks of guessing where All Star free agents will land (Bryce and Manny, you’d have a blast hanging out with the Phanatic!), and the start of spring training is just a few […]

Nightmare on HR Street –When Artificial Intelligence Engages in Workplace Discrimination

By: Lisanne L. Mikula, Esquire “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.” These are the chilling words of HAL-9000, the sentient computer controlling the Jupiter-bound Discovery One, when refusing an astronaut re-entry to his spacecraft in Stanley Kubrick’s film, “2001: A Space Odyssey.”   What makes HAL a great science fiction villain is that […]

Depending on Your Viewpoint, Our Nation’s Birthday Was Some Day this Week.

By: Lisanne L. Mikula, Esquire Now that the 4th of July fireworks have faded and the last of the leftover potato salad has vanished from the fridge, it’s time to think about whether we are celebrating the correct date as Independence Day. Although we mark July 4, 1776 as the date the United States became […]

Wanted: Highly-Motivated Job Seekers (But Only Those Under Age 40 Need Apply)

By: Lisanne L. Mikula, Esquire   Facebook is famous (or, at times, infamous) for its targeted advertising.  Russian bots aside, many people appreciate seeing ads on their Facebook feed relating to the account holder’s publicly posted interests. (Eagles fan? Here’s the playoffs t-shirt you’ve been waiting for!) Recently, however, The New York Times and ProPublica, […]

A LAWYER’S DUTY TO HIS/HER CLIENT: Do Harvey Weinstein and Attorney David Boies Deserve Eternal Suffering in Dante’s Inferno?

By:       Pamela A. Lee, Esquire The salacious details of the multitude of allegations against Harvey Weinstein for sexual harassment, sexual assault and economic abuse are deeply disturbing.  We can easily envision Dante and Virgil seeing Harvey Weinstein being blown violently back and forth by hurricane-strength winds in Dante’s second circle of hell (lust) or […]


By:       Pamela A. Lee, Esquire Americans are suffering from so much stress these days.  Listening to the news the other night, I heard depressing stories regarding the economy, government officials, sexual harassment in the work place, and another mass murderer on a random killing spree in New York City. On November 1, 2017, the […]


By: Lisanne L. Mikula, Esquire Harvey Weinstein, one of Hollywood’s most powerful film executives, has been accused of sexual harassment and sexual assault by dozens of women who claim that Weinstein demanded sexual favors in exchange for the promise of an Oscar-bait role.   Fear of retaliation by Weinstein promoted a culture of silence which left […]

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